Education, certification
- University of Chemical Technology in Prague, engineering studies in the field of fermentation chemistry and bioengineering
- AQUA DIPLOM, Aqua Aerobic Instructor I, II - Česká škola aqua aerobiku
- Aqua ATTACK – specialized workshop - Česká škola aqua aerobiku
- Water exercising for pregnant women and medically weakened- Česká škola aqua aerobiku
- AQUA AEROBIC Workshop – theoretic background for aqua aerobic, exercisingí, classes for motivation (PaedDr. Irena Čechovská, CSc., PaedDr. Jana Labudová, PhD., PaedDr. Jana Hochová)
- TRAMPIES workshop (trampolines exercising) - PRO-MOTION
- Fitness programe for pregnant women and women after birth - IQ POHYB ACADEMY
- Balance Club Brumlovka
- Health & Fitness Olga Šípková in Prague
- Interests: sport, travelling, tourism, nature
What does sport mean to me?
... move, energy, freedom. Freedom, energy and move - this is the life.